Tuesday, February 23, 2016

DLT pigeon holes, Acronyms, Railways and Commercials.....PE2, LME & Hemp

As ever time flies. If I don't get this out tonight...another week will zip by.

One reason I blog is because writing forces me to formulate / pigeon hole my thoughts. Another reason I blog, and this blog is searchable, is because sometimes things don't easily lend themselves to a pigeon hole. (so if they're in the blog, at least I can reduce the scope of my search).

I'm finding I'm putting things into 3 broad buckets:
1. Blockchain / DL Technology: The technical and academic side of things. From Network theory to cryptography...and to a whole new set of acronyms. BTC, DLT, PoW, PoS etc. Are you losing sleep as you ponder will Hyperledger be a competitor of Ethereum? (Yes, in my view). Which codex is better? There is an institute for that type of question. http://www.blockchainstudies.org/index.html
2. Blockchain / DLT Ecosystem: Here I draw a parallel with the railways. (http://www.riagb.org.uk/). Blockchain has everything from engineers through to rails. Knowing where things fit and how they are interconnected is pretty obvious in railways...but we're less familiar with the blockchain environment. Do we care what gauge rails we run on - if we're at speed yes - but ultimately that will be an issue blockchain beneficiaries nwill be oblivious to. Still, right now, it helps to know.
3. Blockchain / DLT business. That is the use cases, the consortia, the white papers and the general industry positioning. (My next personal assignment is to do a 600 odd word piece on some of the recent white papers).

Anyway, some of the news that I managed to digest....and there is sooo much more out there that I simply have not had a chance to review. Hey ho, as it ever was. Graham Bishop is about the only guy I know that could keep up with all of Europes market reforms...clearing and settlement was more than enough for me. I'm sure there is a blockchain God out there too....but right now, I don't think anyone can corral everything into one place...but please, please do correct me if I'm missing something!

A plug for ICDA (the old SFOA for us long in the tooth). I'll be speaking there on 19th April.
Let me know if you're going. I'd love to catch up.

Have a great week all (what is left of it)...and WooHoo, lets race into the first week of Q3 '16 on Monday.



BNP Paribas : takes keen interest in Blockchain
Caisse des Depots Group.
French consortium: avec AXA, BNP Paribas, Blockchain Solutions, le Groupe BPCE, Cellabz, le CNAM, CNP Assurances, le Crédit Agricole, Croissance Plus, Paymium, et le Pôle de Compétitivité « Finance Innovation »
The principle objective is to develop and prototype usage scenarios related to banking, finance and insurance businesses.

Japan Exchange Group and IBM to run proof-of-concept blockchain test

Linux, IBM Share Bold Vision for Hyperledger Project, a Blockchain Fabric for Business
The Blockchain platforms that we are currently tracking are:

What are the chief differences between Ethereum and Ripple's Codius? Which one is most likely to succeed?

Welcome to the Institute for Blockchain Studies!

New Market Map Defines the Blockchain Ecosystemhttp://firstpartner.net/news/new-market-map-defines-blockchain-ecosystem

Consensus-as-a-service: a brief report on the emergence of permissioned, distributed ledger systems By Tim Swanson

ISITC Europe Breaks down Blockchain and the Future of FinTech

Wall Street Is Trying to Beat Silicon Valley at Its Own Game
Banks race to beat the patent trolls—and Silicon Valley.

Inside Multichain: A Build-Your-Own Blockchain Service for Banks


BATS Chi-X Europe and Traiana enable OTC equity trade clearing

The EU & its Partners: Attracting International Investors: How can the EU work with its Partners?

In 139 years the LME has only moved four times; it was established in 1877 above a hat shop in Leadenhall Market.
The LME was acquired by Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Limited in December 2012.

Seed Commodities Exchange to launch in partnership with GMEX
Seed CX’s launch products include new weather derivatives and industrial hemp swaps, options and forwards.

News (and stuff)

People are sharing Private Eye's brilliant skewering of the media's Jeremy Corbyn headlines

The Independent newspaper confirms an end to print production

If countries were the size of their stock markets

Interesting dynamic maps..

A graphical history tour...

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